Dispossession, violence and transformative power: an intersectional approach to evictions


  • Larissa Gdynia Lacerda Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, São Paulo, SP, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4357-6988
  • Paula Freire Santoro Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3168-0868
  • Isabella Berloffa Alho Universidade Federal do ABC, Engenharia Ambiental e Urbana, Santo André, SP, Brazil
  • Gisele Aparecida de Sá Brito Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum, Clima e Cidades, São Paulo, SP, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2437-4985
  • Marina Kohler Harkot † In Memorian




Dispossession, Eviction, Intersectional feminism


The present article takes the following question as its starting point: What does it mean to think about eviction and its consequences based on the narratives of women who have faced these processes? By examining the narratives and thoughts of women who have either undergone eviction or are living under its threat, it is possible to highlight dimensions of the process that may otherwise go unnoticed by analyses that focus on other dimensions, and which do not appraise the characteristics of those being evicted and what this represents in terms of the totality of the phenomenon. By shedding light on the multiplicity of impacts resulting from the eviction processes, it is possible to return to the conceptual notion itself, so that it may be formulated from the bottom up, i.e., from the various experiences that comprise it. Ultimately, what is eviction? What does it mean to live under the threat of losing your home?


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Author Biographies

Larissa Gdynia Lacerda, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Sociologist. With a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ) and currently undertaking a doctorate in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH USP). She is a researcher at the City and Work group, in the same department, and at LabCidade (FAUUSP), where she is part of the research “City, gender and intersectionalities” and the Observatório de Remoções. CNPq Scholarship.

Paula Freire Santoro, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Urbanist Architect, professor of Architecture and Urbanism School at the Universidade de São Paulo (FAUUSP). Since 2014, she has been the coordinator at LabCidade, where she conducts the research “City, gender and intersectionalities”, with the objective of supporting critical reflection on forms of urban planning, introducing gendered, racialized and intersectionalized concepts, theories and practices in the reading, analysis and proposal of territory transformation. She graduated and obtained her master’s degree and doctorate (2012) at FAUUSP. Part of her PhD was undertaken at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (ETSAB-UPC), supervised by Prof. Zaida Muxi. She has worked at the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the State of São Paulo, at the Instituto Pólis and at the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA). She has been a CNPq 2 productivity scholarship holder since 2020 (Process nº 312011/2019-9).

Isabella Berloffa Alho, Universidade Federal do ABC, Engenharia Ambiental e Urbana, Santo André, SP, Brazil

Undergraduate Student at the Universidade Federal de ABC (UFABC) and a LabJuta researcher (UFABC).

Gisele Aparecida de Sá Brito, Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum, Clima e Cidades, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Journalist. She holds a master’s degree in Urban Planning from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Universidade de São Paulo (FAUUSP). She was a researcher at LabCidade (FAU/USP) between 2016 and 2021. She is currently coordinator of the Climate and Cities area at the Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum.

Marina Kohler Harkot, † In Memorian

In memoriam. Sociologist from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). She held a master and was undertaking a doctorate in Urban Planning at the Architecture and Urbanism School at the same university (FAUUSP). She was an activist and cycle activist. She was also a researcher at LabCidade until 2019, during which time she was part of the research “City, gender and intersectionalities”. She organized the seminar City, gender and intersectionalities at the SESC Research and Training Center in January 2019, which resulted in a special on the #Pelacidade podcast. She conducted several consultancies, among them for RISCO and for the World Bank. She was 28 years old when, returning home on her bicycle, she was killed by a hit and run driver. Her incomplete doctoral project intended to investigate, in a decolonial and intersectional perspective, how the construction of territories (body and urban space) takes place based on subjectivities.


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How to Cite

Lacerda, L. G., Santoro, P. F. ., Alho, I. B. ., Brito, G. A. de S. ., & Harkot, M. K. . (2022). Dispossession, violence and transformative power: an intersectional approach to evictions. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Urbanos E Regionais, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.22296/2317-1529.rbeur.202231pt



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