Circulation of ideas and its appropriations: a reflection on the history of urbanism in Latin America in dialogues with connected histories perspective and decolonial theories




History of Urbanism in Latin America, Connected History, Decolonial Theories, Circulation of ideas, Cultural practices;, Transculturation


This paper intends to discuss the history of urbanistic thought in Latin America through dialogue with theories and methodological approaches of different disciplinary fields. Dealing with urban planning in Latin America requires a methodological reflection on how to approach a vast area, with a diversity of urban situations and cultures as well a diversity of urban practices. Although, at the same time, common problems can be identified in the same time cut. Thus, this paper is organized in three axes: the first one discusses the frames and focus of analysis proposed by the transnational history or connected history; the second one highlights a problematic set up by postcolonial studies and terrorized as decolonial based on the particularity of Latin America that can iluminate the variation of urban models that permeate the urban experiences carried out in it; and finally, the third examines the proposal of the study of cultural practices, and its categories of analysis, to think about the mechanisms of appropriation.


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Author Biography

Dinalva Derenzo Roldan, Universidade Paulista, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade São Paulo (FAU-USP). Mestra e doutora pela mesma instituição. Docente do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Paulista.


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How to Cite

Roldan, D. D. . (2023). Circulation of ideas and its appropriations: a reflection on the history of urbanism in Latin America in dialogues with connected histories perspective and decolonial theories. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Urbanos E Regionais, 25(1).



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