Regional productive circuits: notes for a renewed analytical tool on economic processes in Latin America at the beginning of the XXI century


  • Ariel Garcia Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Alejandro Rofman Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Regional productive circuits, Bargaining power, States policies, Accumulation subsystems, Appropriation of surplus


In this research we return to the theoretical discussion about the analytical tool of the regional productive circuit. Based on this, we will advance in the analysis of the modalities of relationship between economic agents of unequal power and bargaining capacity in the market, in the historical scenario of the early 21 century and in the productive context of the semi-peripheral structures of several countries in Latin America. Our analytical tool considers the participation of the public sector intervention in the variation of the profit rates relevant. In this game of winners and losers, the capacity of each economic and social agent to achieve the rate of profit that this agent seeks or the income to which the actor aims is constantly changing, according to the effects produced by the deployment of state policies, as well as for the effective capacity of each person to influence their direction.


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Author Biographies

Ariel Garcia, Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. en Geografía (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Investigador Adjunto CONICET-CEUR (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales).

Alejandro Rofman , Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dr. en Economía (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Investigador Principal CONICET-CEUR (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales).


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How to Cite

Garcia, A., & Rofman , A. (2020). Regional productive circuits: notes for a renewed analytical tool on economic processes in Latin America at the beginning of the XXI century. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Urbanos E Regionais, 22.



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