Retailing and Services Activities and the City: Contributions for Urban Management
Tertiary sector, retailing and services, locational demands, urban management, commerce and city, public policiesAbstract
This article intends to contribute to the understanding of the different locational demands that derive from the different categories of activities, which are included in the tertiary sector aiming to feed consistent urban policies. In this way, it discusses, initially, on the difficulty of conceptualizing and classifying tertiary activities, seeking to make explicit the differences between manufacturing, commerce and services. Then, it presents and discusses: the composition of the tertiary sector; the public or private domain; their relationship with the consumer (companies or individuals); their spontaneous or planned organization; and their high capacity to incorporate changes. These locational preferences, in capitalist societies, which have as their objectives the viability of their own businesses, have a direct relation with the urban dynamics (uses and flows) and can, if well understood, help in the implementation of public policies concerning to improve urban dynamics and to make requalification processes effective.
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