Participatory institutions and the housing issue: an exploratory study into the types of debate surrounding participation, resolution and funding | Instituições participativas e a questão habitacional: um estudo exploratório do tipo de debate acerca da participação, deliberação e financiamento
ConCidades, resolution, FGTS, social participation, housing policy.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which the organization of the actors involved in public policies may influence decisions within the participatory institutions of which they make part. Two specific contexts were compared from an exploratory perspective – 2009/2010 and 2013/2014 – by analysing the minutes and resolutions issued by the three participatory institutions involved in the Brazilian National Social Housing Plan, namely: the FGTS Trustee Council, the Management Council for the National Social Housing Fund; and the Council of Cities. We have proposed a category called “politically relevant discourses on housing funding” as being able to provide us with a specific overview of the discussion regarding participation and funding. We conclude that the three councils perform distinct roles. The CGFNHIS has become drained politically, the ConCidades sets a broader scope for urban policy, and the CCFGTS seems to be the main institution related to the topic of housing funding.
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