Keywords: new article organization methodology


In 2024, the Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (RBEUR) celebrated 25 years of existence, a milestone characterized by a steadfast commitment to ethics in the peer review process and adherence to rigorous guiding criteria. This anniversary provided an opportunity for both reflection and change.

Starting in 2025, RBEUR will no longer be published based on the grouping of articles into thematic sections: 1) Planning and Public Policies; 2) Space, Economy, and Population; 3) Territory, Citizenship, and Rights; 4) City, History, and Culture; 5) Environment, Management, and Development.

This decision was driven by two key reasons, proposed by the Editors and supported by the Scientific Committee:

  1. the expansion of research interests into an ever-growing range of new topics, a defining feature of contemporary knowledge, necessitates the continuous creation of new sections;
  2. many articles approved for publication lie at the intersection of themes spanning multiple sections, rendering classification consistently partially inadequate.

To facilitate specialized searches across both current and past publications - a function previously fulfilled by the sections - a new structure will be implemented, which introduces a mandatory procedure requiring scientific articles to be linked to seven keywords, three of which must be selected by the authors from a predefined list provided by the journal.

This new procedure will, on the one hand, enable authors to assess the alignment of their submissions with RBEUR’s field of focus and, on the other, permit less hierarchical and more interconnected searches, since the same article will appear in searches conducted through different pathways.

Issues published up to 2024 will retain their original section-based structure; however, the scientific articles within them will also be accessible using the new methodology. Starting with articles approved for publication in 2025, as well as all future submissions, content will no longer be organized into sections and will instead be accessible exclusively through this updated methodology.

In item 5 of the link, authors can find additional information regarding the selection of keywords.

December 2024.