About the Journal


The Brazilian Journal of Urban and Regional Studies (RBEUR) is a publication by the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning (ANPUR), a private, non-profit legal entity that brings together postgraduate university programs and Brazilian entities involved in teaching and/or research activities in the field of urban and regional studies and urban and regional planning. The aims of RBEUR are twofold. It serves as an institutional vehicle for publishing scientific production in this field, and maintains theoretical, thematic, and disciplinary heterogeneity, characteristic of the Association. It prioritizes the demand for originality, rigor and excellence in published texts while encouraging diversity of thought.

RBEUR, recognized as the leading journal in the area of Urban and Regional Planning in Brazil, has been in circulation since 1999, and was published biannually. In 2015, it adopted a quarterly format, in an open access printed and electronic format, with a Creative Commons license (CC-BY Attribution), and in 2019, transitioned to an exclusively online, continuous publication format.

It is registered with the electronic ISSN 2317-1529 and the printed ISSN 1517-4115, and presents Qualis CAPES (2017-2020) A1 in the areas of: Public and Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism; Anthropology/Archaeology; Architecture, Urbanism and Design; Political Science and International Relations; Environmental Sciences; Law; Economy; Geography; History; Interdisciplinary; Urban and Regional Planning/Demography; Sociology.

Currently, RBEUR covers the following thematic sections:

Planning and Public Policies 

Keywords: Urban and regional planning; Governing, participation and urban and regional management; Urban and regional policies and programs; Urban services; Housing policies; Planning methods, techniques and instruments; Financing urban and regional policies.

Space, Economy & Population

Keywords: Regional development; Spatial conflicts and tendencies of capitalism; Territorial integration, reconfiguration and economic imbalance; Population flows and migrations; Labor, income and socio-spatial mobility; Financialization and space production; Technological innovation.

Territory, Citizenship & Rights

Keywords: Public space; Social and socio-environmental justice; Inequality and socio-spatial segregation; Participation and technical assistance and new training profiles; Social movements, spatial appropriation and the right to the city; Actors, minorities and territorialities; Local and community development.

City, History & Culture

Keywords: History and memory of the city, urbanism, housing and architecture; Urbanization processes; Histories of politics and urban management; City, cultural heritage and urban culturalization; Urban configuration, images and representations of the city.

Environment, Management & Development

Keyword: Environmental policies; Sustainable development; Climate change, environmental justice; Rural development, new ruralities and rural/urban boundaries; Reserves and natural resources; Landscape, environmental memory, nature and urbanization.


Articles should be submitted through the online journal systems (OJS), e-mail submissions will not be accepted. On receipt, they will be initially assessed for suitability by the Editorial Board, which will verify the relevance of the material in relation to the scope, format and academic standards of RBEUR.

Once approved in the initial assessment, articles (without author identification) will be submitted for assessment by two outside reviewers, linked to national or foreign institutions, and who have expertise in the specific area treated in the work (blind peer review).

Should there be a disagreement between the assessments of the two reviewers, the manuscript will be forwarded to a third outside reviewer, also recognized in the specific area of work, who will assess, like the first reviewers, and decide on the appropriateness or inadequacy of the manuscript, taking into account its academic quality. The assessments take into account:

  1. a) clear objectives;
  2. b) relevance of the methodology to the objectives;
  3. c) consistency between theoretical framework, objectives, methodology and results;
  4. d) domain and currentness of the bibliography;
  5. e) use of international literature references that analyze similar empirical cases, when applicable;
  6. f) quality of the written manuscript (writing and text structure);
  7. g) originality, pertinence and relevance to the theme for publication.

After the assessment, articles may be a) published without modifications; b) published with minor changes; c) re-submitted for a fresh assessment process after substantial changes; and d) rejected.


RBEUR is published in a single annual volume, following the format of continuous publication. Articles are published immediately after the review and formatting processes.



Statement of Assessment Areas (2017-2020)
– Urban & Regional Planning/Demography

A1 - Architecture, Urbanism & Design

A1 - Interdisciplinary 

A1 - Anthropology/Archeology 

A1 - Sociology

A1 – Environmental Sciences

A1 - Economy 

A1 - Geography

A1 - Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism

A1 – Political Science & International Relations

A1 – Law

A1 – History